Strategic planning is essential not only for growth, but for survival in today’s business environment of accelerating change and unpredictability. InnerWork’s Strategic Planning approaches blend your real world business planning needs with highly interactive and creative group planning processes that engage your people at the integral levels of the Self, the Team, and the Business.
- Since 1990, InnerWork senior consultants have found that customized, high involvement strategic planning processes dramatically increase the quality of your strategic and operational thinking, and increases personal and team commitment to implementing the outcomes of your strategic planning process.
Our customized strategic planning approaches can include the following components:
Strategic Planning Assessment
- Organizational Assessments and Leadership Team Assessments of key organizational and leadership team needs.
- External assessment of key trends and factors impacting your business, products and markets.
- Prioritization of key external and internal needs for focused strategic planning.
- External / internal customer & multi-stakeholder assessments to determine the important customer-focused strategic and operational priorities.
Strategic Planning Session Design
- Customized strategic planning agenda designs with clear outcomes and implementation measures (that include both business and behavioral measures).
Strategic Planning Facilitation
- Creative strategic visioning methods to determine the ideal elements of your “Future State”.
- Planning methods that identify powerful “strengths” and “positive success factors” that can be integrated into the strategic plan and expand your capability development (versus just planning to deal with the “gaps” and “deficiencies”).
- Large and small group interactive planning exercises to discover “the common ground” and alignment around key initiatives for creating the Future you imagine.
- Action planning methodologies to create results-based action plans with timelines and assigned resources to achieve the “Future State”.
- The development of enterprise-wide employee communication plans that engage employees in understanding the strategic plan, and its key priorities and initiatives.
- Employee Engagement strategies, team development programs, and team coaching services to leverage broad-based commitment and rapid implementation of the strategic plan’s imperatives, and much more.